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Hexagon Elektrical

Hexagon Electrical:

CADWorx® Electrical & Instrumentation Design Suite 

Hexagon is thrilled to announce the launch of the CADWorx® Electrical & Instrumentation Design Suite, a highly anticipated innovative software solution designed to transform the way engineering professionals approach electrical and instrumentation projects.
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There are 3 Modules:
1-CADWorx® Electrical

CADWorx Electrical is an extremely powerful solution to create intelligent schematics and wiring diagrams. With CADWorx Electrical, CADWorx Raceway models can be linked for change management control, synchronizing your 3D models with your schematics and wiring diagrams; thereby improving accuracy and efficiency.

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2-CADWorx® Raceway(Automatic cable routing)

The auto-routing capabilities of CADWorx Raceway allows designers to create 3D raceway models quickly, accurately, and intuitively. The software allows the designer to focus on design tasks by generating 3D models automatically.

What is CADWorx Raceway (Read more..)?

3-CADWorx® Instrumentation(Instrument Design and Documentation)

CADWorx Instrumentation uses a familiar drag and drop method to link components and electrical connections with many tools to copy, paste, search,replace and more...

Who Uses CADWorx Instrumentation?(read more...)